
Quick update on everything

Yo, what up guys? How is it going? Hope you’re doing better than me haha! Alright, straight to business… The last past months have been awful for my life in some ways and somehow I still feel great about other shit. So I want to talk a bit of everything

First of all, The blog is and has been on hiatus cuz I haven’t got time to do review from records, probably in two weeks or so, I’ll get back at it!! The list for reviews is the following:

  • Army Of Ants – 2010 - The Parting Gift Ep  
  • Hollow-Eyed – 2011 – Worcester Noises
  • Blink-182 – 2011 – Up All Night Single/Song
  • Gimme Crack – 2011 – Is POSERCORE  (A collection of old songs)
  • Inertia – 2011 – Peace.Awareness.Action Ep
  • Anti-Venöm – 2010 - As Soon As There Is Justice (Yep, my own review!)
  • From The Cradle To The Rave – 2010 - A Nightmare On Wallstreet
  • The Stupid Stupid Henchmen – 2006 – Carmingly Demonic

If you want me to review your Ep, Demo, Record & What not, send em to anti.venom.crs@gmail.com asking for it! 

So, I’ve been busy having a life besides music & AV (or at least I’m trying to get back at it) and I feel like a need to take some holidays… It’s not gonna happen. I’m doing a guest spot in the new Gimme Crack song called ‘Speed’ and it will tear you apart with some nasty 80’s hardcore!! On the other hand, Jim (Army Of Ants) and I, are still undecided on which artwork we shall use for the split and stuff like it! Minor, but important details!! It should be out soon! If you don’t know Army of Ants, you can listen some stuff HERE

Also, I have most of the drums done for the Planet of The Apes EP which will be released in November! Which, will be a collection of never recorded songs from all my musical attempts since 2001! You might be thinking: “I want my AV now!” And you will! 

I’m writing two new songs for the split with Suicide Victim, I’ve got one done and ready to go, but guess what? This split will be pressed in 7’’ Vinyl. More info to come SOON! And if you’re still wondering what happened to the Vampires single ft. C-Rave, it will be released between the AOA and SV splits! Isn’t that amazing?? 

I’m thinking on pressing 100 copies of “As Soon as There is Justice” just for people that wants to have some AV in a physical way, shirts and merch are delayed (As always) due my lack of pressure on those mofos and they lack of enthusiasm on working without some cash first… 

That’s pretty much everything related AV, I’m gonna release another EP after the Vampires single called Misery from my other weird techno electronica project “Ben Reilly”, it’s pretty much done since last year, but haven’t got time to put it out with all the AV stuff going down.

Thanx for reading and hope you dig all the new shit. Don't forget to check out the NEW RIOTSKA RECORDS WEBSITE AND WEBSTORE!

Cheers desde México fuckas!

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