
Limited offers on our merch & discography!!

That's right rude boys n girls! We're offering a special discount in all our shirts n merch to promote our new single "Part II: Generic" which will be aviable in a couple of weeks! Shirts from $10 to $7.50 and also all the AV discography in CD-R!! 

All the money will help us out making real cd's, new merch, equipment and more FREE releases!! Stay tuned for FREE GIVEAWAYS during this week!! trough our FB page!!

Shirts for $7.50 usd!


Also, be sure to check out our bandcamp page to get the updated discography!!


1 comentario:

Saint dijo...

Oye raz, aún usas tu correo personal de gmail?? te envié un mail hace unos días con una propuesta, para que la cheques ;)